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Hair Restoration

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Microneedling Hair Restoration

PRP Microneedling Hair Restoration is a procedure that takes time & patience but the results are truly amazing and life-changing! We use your own blood to restore collagen and stimulate your own hair follicles to grow new hair. PRP Microneedling Hair Restoration Treatment is a natural, non-surgical procedure with minimal discomfort that provides faster recovery for hair loss. Both Men and Women in the early stages of hair thinning and hair loss benefit from our Microneedling with PRP treatments with little to no down time, minimal discomfort, and amazing results!!

Your procedure begins with a simple blood draw similar to getting your labs drawn. We collect several vials and centrifuge them to separate out your Platelet Rich Plasma and Platelet Rich Fibrin. We extract these compounds and prepare them for topical application. Your scalp is numbed for 20 minutes with our amazing atomic numbing cream to make the PRP Microneedling procedure virtually painless. With our 12-tip surgical steel microneedling pen we gently instill all of the stem cell and growth factor rich serum that came straight from you which your body recognizes and responds quickly to the concentrated dose by reawakening dormant hair follicles causing new and healthier hair to grow.

We recommend 3-6 treatments spaced out 4-6 weeks apart to match the anagen growth phase to stimulate each hair follicle to stay engaged in this growth phase and produce your new, healthier, luscious, and fantastic hair. Your results are real, effortless, permanent, and truly phenomenal.


Cost: $1500/3 Sessions 

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